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Capital Gains Tax Canada Real Estate Calculator


Understanding Capital Gains Tax in Canada: A Guide for Individuals


Capital gains tax (CGT) is a levy imposed on the profits realized from the sale of an asset that has increased in value over time. In Canada, individuals are required to pay CGT on 50% of their capital gains.

Key Elements for Determining Capital Gains

To determine whether you have a capital gain or loss, you need to know the following three amounts:

  • Proceeds of Disposition: The amount you received when you sold the asset.
  • Adjusted Cost Base (ACB): The original cost of the asset, plus any expenses incurred in acquiring it.
  • Fair Market Value (FMV): The current estimated value of the asset on the date of sale.

Your capital gain is calculated as follows:

Capital Gain = Proceeds of Disposition - ACB

If the ACB is higher than the proceeds of disposition, you have a capital loss.

Reporting Capital Gains

You must report your capital gains or losses on your annual tax return using Schedule 3: Capital Gains or Losses. This schedule helps you calculate and report your taxable capital gains or net capital loss.

Capital Gains Tax Calculator

The Canadian Annual Capital Gains Tax Calculator is a useful tool for estimating the amount of capital gains tax you owe. It is updated annually to reflect the latest tax rates and regulations.


Understanding capital gains tax is crucial for Canadian individuals who sell assets that have appreciated in value. By knowing the key elements for determining capital gains, reporting requirements, and available tools like the capital gains tax calculator, you can ensure that you meet your tax obligations and minimize your tax liability.

