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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description


Anne Hathaways Iconic Devil Wears Prada Red Tiktok Creator Finds Exact Shade


Anne Hathaway's Iconic 'Devil Wears Prada' Red: TikTok Creator Finds Exact Shade

TikTok sleuth Brittany Cale uncovers the secret behind Miranda Priestly's signature red pout

'Russian Red' by MAC Cosmetics emerges as the perfect match

TikTok creator Brittany Cale has become the fashion world's unlikely hero after discovering the exact shade of red lipstick that Anne Hathaway wore as the iconic Miranda Priestly in "The Devil Wears Prada." Cale's revelation has sparked a resurgence of interest in the timeless makeup look, making it a must-have for holiday parties and events.

Inspired by Hathaway's portrayal of the powerful editor of Runway magazine, Cale embarked on a mission to find the precise shade of red that transformed Hathaway's character into a fashion icon. After extensive research, she stumbled upon MAC Cosmetics Russian Red, a classic shade that perfectly matches the bold and assertive personality of Miranda Priestly.

Cale's discovery has sent shockwaves through the makeup community, with makeup enthusiasts and beauty bloggers eager to recreate the iconic look. The perfect combination of deep red and blue undertones makes Russian Red a flattering and versatile shade that complements a wide range of skin tones.

As the holiday season approaches, Hathaway's "Devil Wears Prada" makeup is poised to become a popular choice for partygoers. The bold red lip can effortlessly elevate any outfit, adding a touch of glamour and sophistication to any occasion. With TikTok creator Brittany Cale's discovery, fashionistas can now achieve Miranda Priestly's chic and timeless look with effortless ease.

