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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description


Francesco Totti

Francesco Totti: Italian Football Legend Retires

Former Roma Star Calls Time on Illustrious Career


Francesco Totti, one of the most iconic footballers in Italian history, has announced his retirement from the sport. The 40-year-old striker, who has spent his entire career with AS Roma, made the announcement at a press conference on Monday.

Totti, who has been capped over 100 times for Italy, is considered one of the greatest players of his generation. He has won countless trophies with Roma, including the Serie A title, the Coppa Italia and the Supercoppa Italiana.

In a statement, Totti said: "This is a very difficult decision, but it is the right time for me to retire. I have been playing professional football for 25 years and I have given everything I have. I want to thank my family, my friends, my teammates and the fans for all their support."


